Monday, December 31, 2007

What Matt Deleted

I didn't save the post that Matt deleted, but it went something like;

Ronald Reagan was fond of saying "a government that is big enough to give you everything you need is big enough to take everything you have" I then went on to say that liberals just want to have a clear conscience on this subject by wanting everyone covered without regard to the quality of the health care system. I also wondered what would happen when the government started deciding who should be covered and who shouldn't. I have heard some members of congress already saying that if people don't get regular checkups and other preventative care they should not be covered. I asked what would happen if the feds decided to cut funds to the several states if they didn't have the proper speed limit or drinking age. I also wondered aloud what would you think if a future religious right congress decided to tie those funds to abortion.

It was more wordy than that, but you get the idea. I see now it is not so important that he has socialized care. Kind of sucking up to Lefty now that his customer base is diminishing.

Update 1/3/08

I see Matt has completely changed his mind on the healthcare issue, I wonder if that is because something I said in the post he deleted struck a cord. If it did that is too bad. You see, while I made some good points on the subject, I also struck at the core of liberalism and we can't have that now can we. we can pussy foot around the periphery issues, but leave the sacred cow alone, even though that is where the real problem lies. (pun intended)